
LOL Given our position, any such “bang” preceded us, so we would not be likely to experience it.

The BBT is a ‘creation out of nothing’. If we ever did, it would be really, really loud. Being “asleep” would imply that we somehow stopped in time. If we ever did, it would be really, really loud. Although in the picture we would see many seemingly random scatterings of marbles, those positions and colors could be brought into comparison with each other based upon the understandings of how such reflections are made.

Originally Posted by uncommonman If there actually was a “bang” when the Big Bang happened (which I doubt there was so I call it the Monumental Poof), perhaps we are yet to hear it. SSU supporters decreased rapidly with the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation, and today only a very small number of supporters remain. I am not convinced a reflected light source of this nature would project at 360 degrees as our star does. This inexplicable increase in expansion is the basis of the arguments around dark-matter and dark-energy.If the universe’s observed size is merely an illusion, we could technically ignore “gaps” and re-scale our experiments to a size that might exclude the need for DM and DE. Some cosmologists seem to believe that the slowing down of the expansion rate of the universe is due to matter we cannot see. Obviously the first bit is interpretational, but the later bit wouldn’t necessarily destroy any hopes for a realization of the mechanics.

However, with virtually an endless number of galaxies detectable and obserable today, I wouldn’t go as far as saying, “there would be a lot more known galaxies that would be recognizable.” So with the SSU, your idea could not exist. SSU supporters decreased rapidly with the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation, and today only a very small number of supporters remain. The “seed” of the BB (or the primal singularity) isn’t exactly nothing, depending on what theory you follow. Wait… stay with me on this. Although what you say makes sense with the BBT concept, It fails because there would be a lot of reflections of known galaxies that would be recognizable and this would be detected by now.Your views have also endorsed the BBT and the ‘curvature of space’ that I have replaced with the SSU that complies with all the Laws of Physics, experiments and observations.So with the SSU, your idea could not exist.Cosmo For instance, we can’t see or touch gravity, but we can work with it through its effects on objects. Therefore, either the universe is truly as it appears, or we are not in a position to actually see the reflections. If the universe were actually a lot smaller, would this resolve the issue or make it worse? Unfortunately observation isn’t showing the universe slowing down, but instead gaining speed.

Upon our awaking, we could see the “damage” left behind and possibly follow it to the original event. Say the image we currently have of the most distant Galaxy is in fact only an image of a close neighboring galaxy as it looked 12 billion years ago that has moved across the universe and lined itself up with the earth? What if the Universe was not expanding but only appeard to be expanding because the matter we observe is not real? What if there are only a billion stars in the universe and the other trillion gazillion are only images of light circumnavigating through space, following the curvature of the Universe and back again?

How would we detect just any light we observe from a real light source? Maybe this would somehow relate to why dark matter & energy seem so mysterious?Do we just assume that every light we observe in the sky is from a primary source as opposed to a secondary source or maybe even an infinite number of sources? Am I insane or just in dire need a tall cold icy cocktail? Hell, it’s after 4p here.

Originally Posted by ajg624 Cosmo: It fails because there would be a lot of reflections of known galaxies that would be recognizable and this would be detected by now. The study of DM and DE is proving difficult do to its assumed nature, however just like anything we can’t readily “touch” we can detect it and work with it indirectly. Originally Posted by ajg624 I am not convinced a reflected light source of this nature would project at 360 degrees as our star does. Originally Posted by ajg624 Apparently the acceptance of dark matter and dark energy theories are largely based on using these variables to resolve equations that are used to account for ALL information in the universe.

It’s not as farcical as it might seem. The blast has passed.Although this is largely speculative, since sound doesn’t travel in space. Observation would then be extremely random which could account for the infrequent amount of observable reflected galaxies. What if the images we observe are truly replicated images bouncing around the universe? Yeah, they appear different from one another but may be explainable.

The later bit smacks more of quantum physics and even string-theory. If there actually was a “bang” when the Big Bang happened (which I doubt there was so I call it the Monumental Poof), perhaps we are yet to hear it. Originally Posted by uncommonman Being “asleep” would imply that we somehow stopped in time. It’s a new field of study (relatively) but when the calculations begin matching the observations… The blast has passed.Although this is largely speculative, since sound doesn’t travel in space. Originally Posted by Wolf Originally Posted by uncommonman Being “asleep” would imply that we somehow stopped in time. I think there’s no denying that there’s more out there than simple illusions of light. 😛 Originally Posted by miomaz Maybe the universe doesn’t follow the laws which you think it follows, but matter snaps to random places, forming every so and then a brain, a thought, but then falls appart again. There is no consensus as to what was there at the start of the BBT that is not an explosion.So, we have a start from ‘time zero’ with ‘super gravity’, then there is the ‘black hole advocates, singularity advocates, spacetime advocates, the biblical creationists and Lemaitraes prival atom.So when you put all these together, what have you got?

Confision!So to me, that means nothing.Cosmo Originally Posted by Wolf Originally Posted by Cosmo The BBT is a ‘creation out of nothing’. Observation would then be extremely random which could account for the infrequent amount of observable reflected galaxies. Originally Posted by ajg624 What if the observable universe is not real? If our Universe is finite, the light from it does not escape but would continue to travel and be observable again and again.

I am saying that we are travelling away from that event faster than when it first occurred. LOL Huh…? Where the heck did you pull that out of?If you’re inside the “ring” of a passed, infinitely expanding sound wave, how long will it be before the sound wave reaches you?In my example, the person was asleep while the sound-wave passed over them, and woke up after. You could conceivably “reach” into future space to find that sound if you were capable of stopping and letting it pass you by. Observation would then be extremely random which could account for the infrequent amount of observable reflected galaxies. Well no, my good Wolf. Eh, not really. It may not travel in a vaccuum but space is full of “stuff” by which it could travel.

Originally Posted by Cosmo The BBT is a ‘creation out of nothing’. The “seed” of the BB (or the primal singularity) isn’t exactly nothing, depending on what theory you follow. I completely refute that sound does not “travel” in space. It would be kind of like trying to listen to someone whispering to you from the side of the road when you are in a car a mile away and speeding away from that individual. Huh…?

Where the heck did you pull that out of?If you’re inside the “ring” of a passed, infinitely expanding sound wave, how long will it be before the sound wave reaches you?In my example, the person was asleep while the sound-wave passed over them, and woke up after. If that person woke up and expected to hear the explosion, it’s too late.If I really need to spell out that example in terms of the Earth, then it goes like this: The initial blast wave of the BB proceeded the Earth, so the Earth is not in a position to receive the blast. Cosmo: It fails because there would be a lot of reflections of known galaxies that would be recognizable and this would be detected by now. When you decompile the image back through its construction, what do you end up with?Further, in the observations that have been made, given the physics that have been observed, the observations increasingly leads towards a “true” universe that is so massively complex and diverse that we have yet to wittiness a point at which a reflection seems possible. LOL Given our position, any such “bang” preceded us, so we would not be likely to essay+writing+service+in+uk
experience it. If that person woke up and expected to hear the explosion, it’s too late.If I really need to spell out that example in terms of the Earth, then it goes like this: The initial blast wave of the BB proceeded the Earth, so the Earth is not in a position to receive the blast. Actually, it would be more like being asleep through an explosion, then waking up after it and expecting to hear the explosion.

Eh, not really. Maybe all your memories are a random constulation of matter in a randomized univers without laws.It has the same probability as the way nowerdays scientists see the universe and Einsteins Theories.This is where you will have to choose what you believe, do you belive in a universe of laws and order, or do you belive in a universe without law or nature? Eh, the first bit is more a concept of perception. However, to my knowledge, such experiments have already been run, and have failed miserably. However, with virtually an endless number of galaxies detectable and obserable today, I wouldn’t go as far as saying, “there would be a lot more known galaxies that would be recognizable.” I think that on any scale, the resulting “illusion” created by the reflecting/diffracting images would be largely detectable without much need for scrutiny.Imagine that the “true” galaxy consists of 100 different colored marbles, and that these marbles were reflected in such a way as to create the illusion of 1-million marbles. I am not convinced a reflected light source of this nature would project at 360 degrees as our star does.

However, with virtually an endless number of galaxies detectable and obserable today, I wouldn’t go as far as saying, “there would be a lot more known galaxies that would be recognizable.” So with the SSU, your idea could not exist. The CMBR is more likely to be a result of the ‘thermlization of the space particles, gases and star dust according to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics that states that heat can only be transferred from ‘hot to cold’ regions until a thermolized temperature is reached.The CMBR is a thermolized temperature that departs by only 7/100,000 of a Kelvin.I would say this is equal enough.Cosmo

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